On Friday, March 15 the Rotary Club of Knighton and District visited Knighton Primary School in the morning and Presteigne Primary School in the afternoon.

Knighton Rotary President Angela Ellis then presented the art competition prizes and Merit Awards to the talented children at their celebration assemblies.

The following week Ms Ellis and Knighton Rotary Secretary Paul Barrett attended assemblies at John Beddoes campus in Presteigne and Bedstone College in Bedstone to present similar awards.

The president also gave Easter eggs to the winners, runners-up and Merit Award winners in each school.

John Beddoes: Secretary Paul Barrett, Izzy, Gracci, Erin, Darcy with President Angela Ellis
John Beddoes: Secretary Paul Barrett, Izzy, Gracci, Erin, Darcy with President Angela Ellis (Image supplied)

The Rotary Club received more than 120 entries in three age groups ranging between 6 and 18. The students were tasked with creating an artwork on a "watery theme" using only the materials the Rotary Club provided. 

Recognition must go to Knighton Rotary President Angela Ellis for the original concept and sourcing the artists materials, worth £30,000 from Winsor & Newton Ltd.

Ms Ellis said: “The schools have all welcomed us with open arms and the children have all been delighted with their cards and certificates

”Every one of the schools have requested to be included in any of our future competitions or promotions.”

The winning entries were displayed in St Edwards Church, Knighton and St Andrews Church, Presteigne over Easter. 

The display boards at St Edwards Church, Knighton
The display boards at St Edwards Church, Knighton (Image supplied)

Ms Ellis has opened the doors to four local schools with whom the Rotary Club had little or no contact since lockdown. The headteachers and staff are all extremely eager to resume relationships with Rotary - and most importantly the children themselves had the joy of participating and public recognition of their achievement.

Thanks go to Rotarian Cathy Jones for producing the excellent prize and publicity materials.

Thanks to professional artists Rotarian Ivan Jones and Oswestry based artist David Walker for judging the entries. Thanks also goes to Rotarian Chris Price for being involved in school visits and displays, and to Rotarian Chris Ruby for collecting entries during the recent floods.

Materials were also given to Penny Weir, President of Leominster Rotary Club, for use by ECHO Herefordshire, a mental health charity.