Herbalist Liz Sanders qualified in 1984 with The General Council and Register of Consultant Herbalists. She then opened a clinic in Cathedral Road in Cardiff with a GP, which was the first of it’s kind, offering both alternative and orthodox medicine. The clinic is still there!
About 18 years ago she started a Herbal Medicine Helpline, which she still runs from Trecastle. Liz has treated an array of illnesses from both chronic to simple acute ones.

I have come to realise over the last few years that stress is one of the primary causes of illness. It will detrimentally affect the functions of the digestive and circulatory systems, which are both vital to our well being. If women are anxious whilst going through the menopause, their symptoms will intensify and become quite unpleasant.

Strangely, many people have become so accustomed to feeling highly stressed, they are actually unaware that stress is the actual cause of the physical problems they have. Sadly, stress has become the norm for this group of people.

Chronic emotional agitation has a significant effect on the immune system, which in turn can create an inflammatory state that can lead to numerous diseases.

We have all been living through extraordinarily difficult times that have made unusual demands on all of us. But, some people, maybe because of genetic tendencies, have found the last years unbearable.

Some individuals will look for external substances to ease their state of tension. These could include alcohol, excessive exercise, prescription drugs or food. All of which have a real potential to bring secondary problems to bear on the person.

Anxiety can be difficult to describe to another person, as it is so relative to the person suffering. Stress, of course, is invisible-much the same as pain.

Of course, prolonged pain can cause extreme stress and prolonged stress can create unexplainable pain in the body.

There really is no one answer that can relieve a chronic state of anxiety. The answer really is in finding numerous ways forward that work for you.

One of these ways forward that works for most people is exercise. But, when someone is in a high state of anxiety, the motivation for exercise is simply not there.

Often their sleep patterns are so disrupted that even though they feel anxious, there is an underlying exhaustion.

There are two herbs worth a mention here, as both will help to relax you. They are not terribly fancy herbs, but have certainly stood the test of time!


Valeriana officinalis has been used as a natural medicine for hundreds of years. The root has a particularly pungent odour and that is the partthat id used in herbal medicine. I have found that Valerian will improve sleep quality and reduce day time anxiety.

An interesting study was done in 2011 which looked at the effects Valerian might have with OCD behaviour. Those who took Valerian extract(note that the fluid extract is the best form to take),for eight weeks showed a reduction in OCD habits.

In my experience Valerian can be an invaluable aid for people who have been using alcohol in excess to relieve anxiety.


This is a beautiful plant, really eye-catching!

Herbalists use it to relieve insomnia, anxiety and menstrual cramping. It is perfectly safe for children when given in the correct dosage. I frequently prescribe Passiflora for nervous exhaustion brought about by prolonged stress

Over the last months I have been thinking a lot about this whole issue of anxiety and how to offer people some genuine relief. Taking oral herbal medicine does work, but is only part of the answer. To this end I came up with something that I call Herbal Body Treatment

I have always made ointments and oils from the plants I have in the garden. Of course, I make the usual sweet smelling oils such as Lavender, but I find Horseradish, Vervain,Comfrey, Horsetail etc. are really effective externally when dealing with muscular discomfort. As I mentioned earlier in this article, if pain levels can be reduced, stress levels can follow suit.

As far as I am aware, the treatment I am offering is quite unique, the aim of which is simply to aid in the elimination of anxiety and discomfort. Before starting the treatment I offer the person a deeply relaxing herbal drink,which takes approximately 20 minutes to take effect.

During the course of the treatment(which lasts about one hour), I will focus on specific areas of the body that are under stress or pain, applying appropriate ointments or oils as needed.

I am of the opinion that it is so important to allow the body and mind a period of relaxation on a regular basis. Often in our busy lives we can overlook this simple need.

The above article is for information purposes only. If you are concerned about your health, do seek the advice of a qualified professional.

Contact Liz at: [email protected] or 01874 638873.