Minister at Penyrheol Chapel, Revd Paul Smethurst and fellow members of the Chapel were pleased to welcome President of Black Mountains Lions, David James and volunteer members of the group recently.

The meeting was organised to thank Black Mountain Lions for their purchase of a defibrillator at the renovated Stable in the grounds of the Chapel.

Revd Smethurst commented that with the use of the Stable by various church, children’s and community groups and the network of local footpaths used by walkers and riders, the defibrillator will be readily accessible for many people.

Chapel Trustees, Chrissie Outhwaite and Rosemary Vaughan added that this was the second time the Chapel had benefitted from the Lions’ generosity. The group had also donated to the renovation costs of the Stable some years ago alongside other local and national organisations.

Chapel Secretary, Janet Matthews, added: “We care deeply about those who come to the Chapel for whatever reason and we want to provide as many facilities as we can.”

Penyrheo Chapel is 4km directly south of the village of Llanigon, high up in the Black Mountains, in a remote but very beautiful location.