For the second time, Clyro School’s PTFA “The Friends” held a Grounds Day on Thursday, 1 February in the school with members from the Radnorshire Wildlife Trust, Keep Wales Tidy, parent volunteers, staff and children from every class who all took part.

As part of a successful bid for £20,000 “The Friends” are now redeveloping the school pond and wildlife area to provide the children with a new sensory garden, bird hide, wildflower meadow, pond, raised beds, greenhouse and a large Garden Lab structure for the children to enjoy and use as part of their curriculum.

A spokesperson for the school said: “This will benefit the school greatly and enable the children to carry out experiments, watch the wildlife and work outdoors in a covered area at the same time.

“The children had a great time wood chipping all of the outside paths, clearing and cleaning out the pond, planting trees and painting an outside blackboard.”