Builth Wells Rotary has hosted the annual ‘Senior Citizens Christmas Party’ held at Ysgol Calon Cymru - the 50th year of this beloved event.

It caters for senior citizens living in Builth Wells and the surrounding villages, as a belated Christmas party, allowing a real get together and social gathering.

A donation from Castell Howell was gratefully received, as they contributed generously by providing all of the food.

The party was attended by 65 pensioners, who were treated to a generous sherry reception followed by turkey dinner, dessert, cheese and biscuits, mince pies and a warm beverage - all served up by the dapperly dressed Rotarians.

The party mood was soon in full swing with music provided by ‘The Cardboard Box Thieves’ a local folk group. The party continued with nail-biting games of bingo, ending with great expectations of the raffle draw, which saw everyone go home with a welcome gift.

The day was a great success, mainly due to the tireless, hard-working ladies of the Rotary, who deserved all of the accolades.

The Rotarians are involved with numerous charity events throughout the year; also working tirelessly to involve and encourage individuals and groups that have specific needs.

The Club meets every Thursday evening at The Greyhound Hotel.