James Evans says not enough children in Wales are learning how to swim.

The Brecon and Radnorshire MS said at the Senedd that swimming proficiency among children in Wales is “dangerously low”.

He told First Minister, Vaughan Gething: “We see and hear on the media of young people who lose their lives unnecessarily because they can't swim.

“Or they don't know safety techniques when they fall into water. Then, they get into trouble, and, unfortunately, they drown.”

Mr Evans asked Mr Gething what plans the Government has to make swimming mandatory within the curriculum and to ensure that youngsters are taught how to swim.

He said that would help ensure that fewer youngsters die unnecessarily in water because they have not been taught the techniques that could save their lives.

Mr Gething said that officials are working with Swim Wales and Water Safety Wales to raise the profile of swimming in the school curriculum and to support primary school learners with swimming skills and water safety education.

He said it was also about water safety and, in particular “understanding when water isn't safe to enter, even if you are a competent swimmer.”

“That's both what's underneath the water as well as the fact that going into cold water can be dangerous for people of all ages,” he said.