RADNORSHIRE Indoor Bowling Association recommenced their past coaching of primary age pupils last month.
The course comes under the Welsh Indoor Bowls Association and the Junior Bowls Development Scheme, and was organised by Arthur Thompson, the Development Officer at Radnor Indoor Bowls Centre.
At the end of the development course the young bowlers were presented with a certificate. All the youngsters said they enjoyed the coaching, and some are to continue by joining the Junior Coaching sessions held at the Indoor Centre early on Friday evenings.
The development coaching will continue on Monday November 7 between 2pm and 3pm, when children from Trefonnen Primary School, Llandrindod Wells will attend. Development Officer Arthur Thompson is looking to get all the schools in the area involved, and would like to hear from anyone who is able to help with transport, if interested please ring him on 01597825014.
Arthur, who is also working together with Powys County Council to develop youngsters interest and involvement in bowls, wishes to thank all the Radnorshire Indoor Bowling Association coaches for their attention and commitment in helping to teach the youngsters bowls.