Saturday, June 29 saw the successful launch of the county’s first 5k Your Way (5KYW) event in Builth Wells with more than 35 people impacted by cancer turning up in support.
Running alongside the Groe Parkrun, the event took place thanks to the efforts of a group of volunteers who regularly attend the parkrun and who are now taking on the role of 5KYW ambassadors for the MOVE Against Cancer charity.
Attendees include Kathryn Silk, the High Sheriff of Powys and Chris Davies, the Ambassador for Park Run and 5KYW Wales.
Also joining the launch event was David Twiss, an incredible 70-year-old from Chesire who is living with cancer and donated £400 to help the group get set up from his own fundraising efforts.
Speaking about the launch, High Sheriff of Powys, Kathryn Silk said: “This is a truly a great event for anyone living with or supporting a loved one with cancer. Having had cancer myself, I can say hand on heart that getting out each day for a walk really helped my health and wellbeing.
“5K Your Way is free, it’s about encouraging people living with cancer to keep moving and I applaud the ambassadors for their work to get this off the ground.”

Chris Davies, Wales Ambassador and David Twiss, said in a joint statement: “We are both delighted to be here for the launch of this event. We heard about the group’s efforts and have been impressed at their determination to launch during the summer months.
“Sue first took up the ‘you don’t have to run it message’ back in 2021 when she was working on the Improving the Cancer Journey in Powys programme. Two people who’d been affected by cancer joined Sue in walking the course and it’s been great to meet them both today. Jack and Janet are regulars but it’s lovely to see new faces and the huge turn out and support today from the community.”
The 5KYW group is a supportive place for people facing cancer or supporting a loved one to come together, build friendships, improve confidence and benefit from some gentle physical activity. It takes place on the last Saturday of every month alongside the Groe Parkrun in Builth Wells.
Everyone is welcome to join in and walk, jog, run, cheer, or volunteer - do as much or as little as you want there will be no pressure. The ambassadors will also be present to support and chat to people.
To take part, please remember to register with Parkrun and with Move Against Cancer first (you only need to do it once):
Register for Parkrun here:
Register for the 5K Your Way group here:
You can also stay in touch with what’s going on via the group’s s Facebook page or by emailing [email protected]