FOUR members of Gwernyfed Ladies Rugby Team have each reached the milestone of 100 appearances for the club.

Delyth Thomas, Sian Dyke (nee Jenkins), Rosie Jones and Lily Snape, have played with Gwernyfed across Wales, from Caernarfon and Swansea, and even in Europe in Amsterdam and Brussels.

Delyth Thomas has been ever present since the formation of the ladies team and was a keen competitor for Brecon ladies for several years as well.

She has been a successful captain and shared her invaluable knowledge to less experienced players, guiding them in their rugby development, and as a team player has led the way showing great versatility by playing in many positions, including the formidable second row.

Always playing on the edge, Del has collected nearly as many yellow cards as she has tries. One of Del’s proudest moments as captain of the squad was collecting the silverwear in the National Bowl Final at Llandovery in 2012.

Sian Dyke (Jenkins) first started playing rugby for Builth Wells under 16s before travelling south to Talgarth.

Sian has been a bed rock at scrum half throughout the team’s progression from development league to the premiership. Sian has rubbed shoulders with many internationals, but has never looked out of place on the field against more established players.

As a sevens player Sian enjoyed a day as hooker but never fancied the role in the 15 aside game. However, she distinguished herself and helped steer the team to winning the national bowl sevens. Sian also captained the ladies for several seasons through the development period.

In her period of captaincy Rosie Jones has steered the team into the premiership. Rosie’s main position is that of an industrious number eight but she is prepared to put herself in the boiler house when team commitment is needed. Beside being a club player, Rosie has also played for the Newport Gwent Dragons playing against two of her team mates Del and Lily, as well as a short stint at the Cardiff Blues alongside her sister.

Rosie’s commitment has turned part of the team into a family affair, encouraging her youngest sisters to take to the field. Off the field Rosie lends a hand repairing the team as a qualified physio. Rosie has scored many tries from her own half way line where she has broken the final defence and hearts of the oppositions but kept the heart of Gwernyfed Ladies alive.

Lily Snape is the youngest of the quartet and started playing with Gwernyfed’s under eight’s side.

Her progression to the senior side has seen the prop scrum down with her mother Rosie on the tighthead side and is another who has played with a sister in the team.

Lily has has been selected for the Cardiff Blues U15s, U18s and seniors. She has also represented the country playing for the Welsh Colleges and was selected for the Welsh senior squad in 2017. As a mobile prop Lily has led the way as try scorer these past few seasons.

Rachel Morgan, of Gwernyfed Ladies, said: “The club are happy that several players have reached this major milestone and wish them well as they strive for their 200th cap. Equally they are inspirational to the junior players showing what can be achieved through commitment, perseverance, pride and passion where the team and club are put first.

“The ladies team and coaches would like to congratulate their team mates and will be proud to play beside them for many season to come.

“Players past and present were all in attendance this Sunday to celebrate this achievement and it was great to see so many familiar faces from over the previous years.”

Gwernyfed Ladies train on Thursday evenings, from 7pm-8pm, at Talgarth.