The Scan|Recycle|Reward trial in Brecon is coming to an end in November.

The trial, which began in July, has seen more than 1,000 participants earn cash rewards.

No further drink containers will being labelled with the 10p stickers from November 1. Trial participants will have until Wednesday, November 15 to scan the QR codes, recycle their containers and claim their 10p reward.

The Scan|Recycle|Reward trial has been run by the DDRS Alliance in partnership with Welsh Government, WRAP Cymru, Powys County Council and local retailers, and was the first time anywhere in the world that a whole town has used this new digital technology.

The findings from the trial will be analysed and shared with the rest of the UK.

Along with feedback from participants and the retailers involved, the data will be used to help shape future Welsh Government policies and determine whether this type of digital technology could be used for a deposit return scheme in the future.

“The businesses and local Brecon community have been fantastic throughout this trial,” said Duncan Midwood from Circularity Solutions, the company leading the Scan|Recycle|Reward trial.

“It has been a whirlwind of activity since the trial began back in July and the project team on the ground in Brecon have been busy stickering drinks containers, liaising with retailers, answering queries, and generally keeping things going for the past few months.

“We have been delighted with the response from the residents and visitors to Brecon. Their enthusiasm for recycling is evident and the willingness to give the new technology a go, along with the return points around town, has been great.

“We are grateful to everyone who has participated in the Scan|Recycle|Reward trial, but as with all trials, it must come to an end, and we can confirm that the final date for scanning your stickered containers, recycling them and claiming a reward will be Wednesday, November 15.”