A defibrillator has been presumed stolen after it went missing from Felinfach without a trace over a week ago.

The life saving equipment, which was based in the old phone box opposite the Griffin Inn, was allegedly taken on Monday, June 18, and reported as missing to the police last Saturday.

The defibrillator, which was supplied by The British Heart Foundation, was installed in 2015 following fundraising by the Young Farmers Club.

The Felinfach Community Council clerk Delyth Rowlands said that the defibrillator, intended for public emergencies, was last seen on the morning of Monday, June 18.

She said: "If anyone had taken it for a genuine reason, they would have brought it back by now.

"I originally emailed the PCSO, but when it wasn’t back by Saturday I called the police to report it properly.

"The police said they would contact me if they had any updates, but there’s no CCTV and to our knowledge nobody saw it being taken so it’s a difficult one."

Ms Rowlands said they had a feeling somebody had looked at the defibrillator before as they had found it on the floor instead of on the shelf in the ex-phone kiosk and that it wouldn’t sit properly in the bag.

She said that a hook had been installed to hold it afterwards, but now the defibrillator and the hook had both disappeared.

Julie Bell, the manager of the Griffin Inn which is opposite the phone box, posted on social media about the incident.

She said: "The Defibrillator housed in the telephone box across the road from the Inn has gone awol, presumed stolen.

"If anyone has any information on this can they please contact Brecon Police.

"God forbid anyone locally needs this, one of our locals owes a family members life to a defibrillator when they suffered heart problems so we are well aware of the importance of their intended use.

"This item was installed after the local community raised the money to have it, for use by whoever needed it. "I believe the make is a Zoll AED Plus."

Anybody who has any information about the defibrillator should contact Dyfed-Powys Police by calling 101.