Brecon Choir Festival is delighted to announce its inaugural Young Singers Award.

Potential competitors are encouraged to apply for the opportunity to sing alongside Treorchy Male Choir in Brecon Cathedral on Saturday, July 22.

The choir festival organisers, led by Lynnette Thomas, Musical Director of Aberhonddu & District Male Choir, are encouraging young soloists who are looking for a step up in their career to apply. The award opens doors for young competitors and also gives them a chance to practice before the Urdd Eisteddfod, which is being held in Llandovery in June 2023.

The deadline for applicants is March 31 2023. Successful applicants will be called to the final of the competition in Brecon on Saturday, May 20.

Not only will the winner of the competition have the opportunity to perform as the solo artist at the Festival’s Saturday night concert in July, but there is a £300 prize for the winner and prizes of £100 for three runners-up. These prizes have been kindly donated by Aberhonddu & District Male Choir.

All the details for applying to the award can be found on the festival’s website: