James Evans MS has co-sponsored an event at the Senedd in support of assisted dying to be legalised in Wales.

The 'My Death My Decision’ event was run in conjunction with Jayne Bryant MS. The event looked at the subject of assisted dying and saw discussions about the rights to bodily autonomy, compassion, equality, and dignity. 

During the event, individuals shared their personal stories about how the blanket ban on assisted dying has affected them and their loved ones. The current law forces some families to make an intolerable choice between letting loved ones suffer or helping them and risking up to 14 years in prison.  Even if everyone had access to the best possible palliative care, at least 17 people die every day and without adequate pain relief more and more people suffer. 

‘My Death My Decision’ campaigns for a change in the law to ensure that no one facing constant and incurable suffering should be forced to endure a drawn-out, undignified, or painful death. 

At least one British citizen per week travels to Switzerland for an assisted death – a sixfold rise since 2005.  According to 'My Death My Decision' 88 per cent of the public favours changing the law on assisted dying and 50 per cent of doctors personally support changing the law, as per the British Medical Association’s survey.

MS for Brecon and Radnorshire James Evans said: "There were some incredibly moving stories at this event.  I appreciate it is a controversial issue for some, with ethical and religious concerns that need to be addressed before any legislation is introduced.  Public opinion is shifting on this matter and as health is devolved to Wales, the Welsh Government should be looking at this.

"It is an issue close to my heart, after seeing my grandma suffering a terrible ordeal at the end of her life. The personal stories shared at this event were heart-breaking.  I would urge everyone to look at this again and see the work that ‘My Death My Decision’ are carrying out and the safeguards that would be put in place for any future legislation."