In response to the escalating number of measles cases across the UK, General Practitioners (GPs) in Mid Powys are encouraging residents to check and ensure that their children are up to date with their vaccinations. While no cases have been reported in Mid Powys, healthcare professionals remain vigilant as the measles outbreak continues to affect various parts of the country. GPs express deep concern that individuals who are not vaccinated may be susceptible to the virus, emphasising the importance of vaccination as a crucial measure to protect individuals, especially young people, and the wider community. Gareth Ratcliffe, PAVO Health Promotion Facilitator, has emphasised the effectiveness of the MMR vaccine in preventing measles.

"According to Public Health Wales, with two doses of the MMR vaccine, individuals can be more than 95 per cent protected against measles," he said.

"Ensuring that people are vaccinated is a key component of our collective responsibility to protect our community. Staying proactive and ensuring that our children receive the necessary vaccinations will contribute to building a resilient and healthy community."

Residents are urged to consult their local healthcare providers, visit their local surgery website, or in person for information on vaccination schedules and appointments.