A dedicated Powys phone line for people who require urgent mental health support has reached its first birthday.

NHS ‘111 press 2’ for mental health is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week for people of any age who have an urgent mental health concern themselves or about someone they know.

By providing access to a mental health professional, without the need for a GP referral, the 111 Press 2 service can support people to manage their mental health crisis and in many cases be an alternative to attending emergency departments or calling emergency services.

The 111 Press 2 team here in Powys have answered nearly 5000 calls since the service was launched on May 10 2023.

The service can be accessed by calling NHS 111 and selecting ‘option 2’. Callers ringing the national number are transferred to a dedicated member of a mental health team in their local health board area. It offers an assessment of needs and telephone-based intervention to reduce distress. Where appropriate individuals can be referred to mental health services, given self-care advice or signposted to other support.

Marielle Restall, Mental Health Team Lead for NHS 111 Press 2 in Powys Teaching Health Board said: “We have now been providing the service 24 hours a day, seven days a week in Powys for one year. This means that people in Powys who are experiencing a mental health crisis can pick up the phone and speak to a trained mental health practitioner with knowledge of their local area.”

“I would urge anyone who needs urgent assistance for a mental health issue, or anyone who is concerned about a friend or family member, to call 111 (Press 2) and speak to someone who is there to listen, understand the situation, and help you access the right help and support.”