On Thursday, September 28, James Evans MS held a Macmillan Cancer Support coffee morning for members of the constituency.

With the event being well attended, over £200 was raised through donations. 

 Expressing his gratitude towards those who attended, and the support shown towards the coffee morning, Mr Evans said: “I’m thrilled that as a community in Brecon, we’ve been able to come together and raise a respectable amount for Macmillan Cancer Support.

"The money raised through our coffee morning will support Macmillan’s vital work by helping fund their amazing Macmillan nurses, answer calls on their support lines and provide financial support, and more to the families that need it.

“In looking at how this donation could be spent, £71 could help run Macmillan’s Online Community forum for over 3 hours. Typically, that would give nearly 198 people affected by cancer both emotional and practical support by providing a safe environment to share their experiences and emotions.

"£100 could pay for a person affected by cancer to attend a health and wellbeing event, providing them with skills to improve the management of these areas in their lives.”

Mr Evans thanks everyone who came along and looks forward to meeting new faces at the next coffee morning.