On Wednesday's announcement (September 27) of the UK’s first safe facility for the consumption of illegal drugs, James Evans MS, Shadow Minister for Mental Health welcomes the news and calls on the Welsh Government to look at how a similar pilot could be introduced here in Wales.

However, Mr Evans emphasises that initiatives such as this must be met with a long-term strategy of rehabilitation programs, to ensure that individuals receive the support they need in moving away from drug addiction.

He said: "When you look around the world and study approaches to drug epidemics, those with recovery at their core are by far the most successful.

"From Canada, the Netherlands, Portugal and Switzerland, there is a strong case for the state to play a more hands on role in helping people move away from drug addiction through innovative treatment options.

"As a small nation of 3.1m people, we could bring forward world leading results for others to reference in the future. We should not shy away from adopting forward thinking policy that can seriously help people’s lives.

 “We all know of the adverse effect illegal drug consumption has and how if un-resolved, our NHS will only face growing pressure. 

"I have long believed that we need to promote treatment and recovery for those who are facing addiction problems and look at the bigger picture of growing mental health issues amongst some of the most vulnerable people in our society. I look forward to seeing how the pilot develops in Scotland and what the outcome indicates in how we can improve drug prevention policy in the devolved nations.”