Rural and small-town communities in Wales are being encouraged to apply for Welsh Government funding to host their own Pride events. The aim is to help those in rural areas celebrate who they are and have a presence in areas that may otherwise be overlooked.

The Welsh Government's Grass Roots Pride Fund aims to help create opportunities for people to congregate and be their true selves throughout Wales.

Famous Pride events in Wales include Cardiff's celebration, with the fund itself already helping Barry Pride, Cowbridge Pride, and North Wales Pride find their feet.

Hay Pride 2022
Participants at Hay Pride 2022 in celebration (Billie Charity)

Last year, Hay-On-Wye hosted their first ever Pride, and are returning for a second year in June. Powys also has Powys Pride, hosted in Llandrindod Wells. But the hope is that other rural communities in Powys will host their own events, helping to create a more inclusive Wales.

The Welsh Government hopes to make Wales the most LGBTQ+-friendly place in Europe.

The Welsh Government are asking for one person to act as project manager when applying for the fund, and they are asking people to submit an expression of interest by contacting [email protected]. The LGBTQ+ Policy Team will then share guidelines, including criteria, on how to submit an expression of interest.