Brecon and Radnorshire MP Fay Jones has called on Monmouth and Powys County Councils to “pull their fingers out and work together” and repair a damaged road near Hay-on-Wye.

Residents in Capel-y-ffin, close to the Powys/Monmouthshire border, have had their lives blighted for two years since a landslip on the road just outside Llanthony in Monmouthshire in February 2021. Since then, the road from Hay-on-Wye has been deteriorating with a large number of potholes appearing.

Prior to the damage, remote rural communities in the area used the road to travel to Abergavenny in the south and Hay-on-Wye in the north. With the road now closed, a 35-mile diversionary route was put in place.

As well as being a major inconvenience, residents have said the road closure has meant that Royal Mail will not deliver to the area - meaning that residents haven’t received their post for almost two years.

The road forms part of the National Cycle Network across Wales and is popular with cyclists, attracting significant traffic during the Hay Festival.

With the deteriorating condition of the road into Capel-y-ffin, many residents say they have no choice but to travel along the closed portion of the road, putting themselves at risk. They are worried that the longer the landslip takes to repair, the worse the damage will become to the road - leaving them completely isolated.

Speaking after a site meeting in Capel-y-ffin, Ms Jones said: “This is an appalling situation. While some works have been done, Monmouthshire’s snail-like pace has left my constituents feeling completely forgotten about. I am determined to put pressure on our neighbouring County Council to act.

“Powys County Council have confirmed to me that if Monmouthshire were to repair the landslip, work could begin to improve the road in to Capel y Ffin. The current stalemate is leaving many who live there frightened for the future. This simply cannot go on.

“I will ask both Local Authority Chief Executives to meet with me urgently on this. Residents in my constituency need a plan. They have been waiting far too long already. It’s high time for both local authorities to pull their fingers out and get this road repaired.”

Powys County Council has confirmed to the Brecon & Radnor Express that work to repair the damaged section of road will begin in May.

A spokesperson for the council said: “Senior Powys County Council Officers met with Fay Jones MP and members of the local Capel-y-Ffin community last week to discuss the ongoing issues on the road near to Hay-on-Wye Powys/Monmouthshire border, which was left damaged following a landslip in Feb 2021.

“Since the meeting, we have received confirmation from Monmouthshire County Council that work to begin repairing the damaged section of road will begin in May.

“Letters will be sent to all effected residents with the details. Once the road is reopen, plans to improve the road surface on the Powys side can commence.”

Monmouthshire County Council has been approached for comment.