A celebration of a well earned retirement after 40 years of service took place at the Guildhall in Brecon on Friday 24, March for Brecon Town Council’s Macebearer, Ray Morgan MBE.

Mr Morgan became the town council’s macebearer in February 1983, and during his years in the role, he has assited five town clerks, 31 different mayors, and hasn’t missed a single parade or event across the 40 years.

Ray says he will do one more parade as macebearer before a new person is appointed in May. 

Born in Hay-on-Wye, Ray moved closer to Brecon when he was just one-year old. 

He attended Brecon Grammar School and Brecon College, played cricket for the town and even completed his national service in Brecon, all of which lead to Ray being awarded with an MBE in 1999 for his services to the town.

 Ray told The Brecon & Radnor Express: “When I got married in 1956, I moved to Brecon and I’ve been here ever since. I’m coming up to 90 years old now, I had six years of service with the police, I was Special Constable, I was a traffic warden, I’ve been an interior county clerk, and a volunteer. 

“I’ve seen a lot of different parades and what have you, said Mr Morgan.

“ I’ve had many different roles here, I’ve been a door keeper for big events. They’ve stuck me on the back door at times, or stewarding upstairs or getting the flags out. Jack of all trades, master of none they say!

“I’m still a volunteer, I’m going to carry on with the town council just to fill in where necessary,” said Ray.

A spokesperson for Brecon Town Council has said: “Brecon Town Council says a very big thank you to Mr Ray Morgan MBE who is retiring later this year after serving as Macebearer for 40 years.

"Ray’s dedication and professionalism has been very much appreciated by the Ccouncil where he has worked alongside 31 mayors and five town clerks during his time in the  role.

“What an achievement. Thank you very much Ray for your service to the town of Brecon.”