James Evans says decisions taken by the Welsh Government will damage conservation and biodiversity in Wales.

The Brecon and Radnorshire MS raised the issue with Climate Change Minister Julie James at the Senedd.

He said recent action by the Government to ban “humane cable restraints” and a consultation by Natural Resources Wales on the ban of, basically, shooting in Wales, will so serious harm.

Mr Evans said: “The humane cable restraint ban will stop the predator control of ground-nesting birds, and a ban on shooting will stop the valuable work that our shoots have done to enhance biodiversity.

“I'd like to know what impact assessments the Welsh Government have made about these issues and about the damaging effect they will have on biodiversity in Wales.”

Ms James said that was part of the Agriculture Bill that the Government were pleased to pass in the Senedd recently.

She said impact assessments were undertaken as part of that process.