Staff, pupils and parents were left in a predicament recently when the charity that run the nursery at the Ysgol y Bannau setting in Brecon withdrew with no notification to the school.

Nursery staff have continued their work with the children throughout the tough situation, while the school is trying its hardest to make provisions for the pre-school children at this current time.

It is the only Welsh speaking pre school in Brecon.

A parent of two children who attend the setting contacted The Brecon & Radnor Express to share their gratefulness to the staff who continue to carry out their work tirelessly to provide an education for the children in both Welsh and English. The staff did not know that they would be left jobless either.

The parent, Matthew Hart said: “They go above and beyond. Both of my children have gone there. I’ve got a son who is five and they’ve been amazing with him.” “They do stuff like yoga with the children to calm the mood and all sorts of fun activities and games. My youngest son since going there, his Welsh is amazing considering his first language is English. They’re a fantastic team and the parents of the children have not got a bad word to say about them,” said Matthew.