Fay Jones MP visited residents in the historic Radnor Forest last week to discuss plans to build a new windfarm.

The meeting took place adjacent to the proposed Nant Mithil wind farm site where Bute Energy proposes to build 36 wind turbines connected to around 60 miles of electricity pylons.

Concerns were raised about the proximity of the wind turbines to residential buildings and the environmental damage erecting so many wind turbines and pylons would have on our natural environment.

The current plans state that the wind turbines will be built on Sites of Special Scientific Interests and ancient monuments.

MP for Brecon and Radnorshire Fay Jones explained: “The Radnor Forest is magical. It is an ecologically significant area. There are rightly serious concerns that the proposed wind farms will completely decimate the landscape forever. I have grave worries over the height of the wind turbines that will stand at 220 metres tall and their proximity to residential buildings.”

“One resident explained to me that the turbines would be within half a kilometre of his home. The intrusion of these turbines into our landscape must not be encouraged.

“The local tourism businesses have worked incredibly hard to establish themselves and I am troubled that the installation of the Nant Mithil windfarm will undermine their efforts and deter tourists from visiting.”

“I understand the need for renewable energy and the residents I spoke to do too. We are concerned that Radnorshire is consistently looked at as an attractive investment to energy firms when in reality it should not be looked at as the sole bearer of our energy challenge.”

“I am thankful to all constituents who have taken the time to give their opinions to me on this proposal, and encourage everyone to sign a petition on my website.”