Two Powys nurses have been recognised as two of the best in Wales.

At the 2023 Royal College of Nursing Wales awards held at City Hall in Cardiff on Thursday, June 29, two Powys Teaching Health Board nurses were recognised for their exceptional work.

The annual event celebrates the outstanding achievements of nurses and midwives across Wales.

Macmillan Lead Nurse for Cancer and Palliative Care Louise Hymers won the Community Nursing Award for her work on end of life care, whilst Senior Nurse Manager for Outpatients Development Judith Jamieson took home the Adult Nursing Award for her commitment to outpatient development.

The Health Board would like to wish Louise and Judith very many congratulations and thank them both for their outstanding contribution in the work that they do for the people of Powys.

Claire Roche, Executive Director of Nursing and Midwifery, Powys Teaching Health Board, said: “I am delighted that both Louise and Judith have been recognised with these prestigious national awards from RCN Wales.

"Their professionalism, talent and commitment to the people of Powys is exceptional and they are an absolute credit to Powys Teaching Health Board.

“It was both a privilege and a joy to be present at the award ceremony in Cardiff to witness Louise and Judith receive their awards and I am incredibly proud of them both for their achievements.”

Louise’s nomination describes her as: “a visionary nurse leader for community palliative care. She is responsible for implementing CARiAD, a responsive, timely and person-centred care package first introduced to the community of Powys in 2020. CARiAD involves the carer-administration of subcutaneous (SC) medication for common breakthrough symptoms of people who are dying at home. It allows patients to stay at home and receive improved quality of care from informal carers in the last days of their life.

“Louise has increased the ability of people to remain at home for end-of-life care, with carers feeling empowered and valued in their role.”

Judith’s nomination says: “She has made an outstanding improvement to the outpatients’ service in Powys through her innovation. She always puts patients first and ensures that any individual needs are met in a non-judgemental way, introducing new ways of working to reduce waiting times for outpatient appointments.

"Judith’s colleagues greatly value her compassionate leadership style and her ability to provide a voice for both patients and staff.”