James Evans says the country must never forget the sacrifices made by servicemen and women who have died in the service of their country.

The Brecon and Radnorshire MS said at the Senedd that every November, we come together to honour those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country.

He said: “We come together not only to commemorate their bravery and sacrifice but also to reflect upon the importance of remembering everybody who has fallen in war.

“Wales, like the rest of the UK, has a rich history of valour and sacrifice on the battlefield.

“Stories of Welsh soldiers, sailors and airmen who have served in conflicts around the world are embedded into the fabric of our nation as they gave their lives so we could be here today.”

Mr Evans said he was proud that, on the weekend, he would be laying a wreath in Brecon to remember family members who had served in the armed forces and all those who have served or are serving and what they do to keep us safe.

He said: “Remembrance in Wales is not merely a yearly ritual but a profound expression of our gratitude and respect for those who have served.

“Our history is scattered with countless acts of bravery and selflessness, whether it is on the fields of Flanders, the beaches of Normandy, the mountains of Afghanistan or in many other conflicts around the world.

“We remember those who fought and fell, the wounded, the prisoners of war and those who bear the physical and emotional scars of conflict. Their sacrifice serves as a stark reminder of the human costs of war.

“That is why we must do all we can to support our veteran community. The chairman of our cross-party group on the armed forces has a clear vision, as we have on that group, to support our veteran community across Wales.

“Remembrance is embedded into all our communities. We have war memorials in our towns and villages, and committed poppy-sellers who go out to raise money for the Royal British Legion.

“Our schools play an important role in teaching the history of the sacrifices made by those of previous generations.

“We must teach our future generations what has happened before so we can never again experience the horrors of what happened.

“We must never forget that the freedoms we enjoy today were secured through the blood, sweat and tears of those who came before us. It is our duty to ensure those sacrifices were never in vain.”

Mr Evans said remembrance is not a duty – it is a responsibility.

He said: “It is a responsibility to pass on the stories of bravery and sacrifice to the next generation.

“Let us remember the fallen with gratitude, the living with support, and the future with hope that we can live in a world without war and conflict.”