A 23-year-old man was rescued after falling in Waterfall Country over the weekend.

Central Beacons Mountain Rescue Team were called out to the Ystradfellte Waterfalls on Saturday, after reports the man had fallen.

The walker was unconscious and also experiencing breathing difficulties.

Emergency Medical Retrieval and Transfer Service Wales and the Maritime and Coastguard Agency SAR helicopter from St Athan were also called out.

Upon the mountain rescue team’s arrival, the casualty was being treated by the SAR aircraft paramedic and the Welsh Ambulance Service rapid response vehicle team, along with some instructors from local gorge walking groups who were also present at the time of the incident.

The casualty was also receiving attention for a suspected pelvic injury, broken leg and head injury.

He was then winched from the site into an aircraft to be transferred to hospital.

A spokesperson for Central Beacons Mountain Rescue Team said: “We hope his injuries turn out to be not too serious and that he makes a speedy recovery. Great multi-agency working by all involved.

“Our thanks to the various gorge walking groups in the area both for their assistance, cooperation and forbearance whilst they were asked to stay clear of the area with the aircraft operating above.

“As this incident concluded we were then advised by a member of the public of a second one on the path down to Sgwd y Eira, with a collapsed female. Fortunately this was just a fainting episode and the lady came around and after being checked over was able to walk out under the guidance of team casualty care medics before being taken back to their vehicle.

“Understandably given the stunning weather we are currently experiencing the waterfalls area was manic today with a large number of visitors. However we would ask all visitors to just be careful, the water is still cold, some of the pools are deeper than they might appear and can contain snag hazards.”

Some of the paths in the area have been closed by the Bannau Brycheiniog - Brecon Beacons National Park due to erosion and safety concerns.

The spokesperson for Central Beacons MRT went on to say: “Please respect those closures and stick to the main, clearly way marked trails which take in all the four falls.

“We want everyone to enjoy the area and to have a memorable visit but for all the right reasons.”