Up to a dozen jobs will be created in Llandrindod Wells after a unit conversion on the Ddole industrial estate will bring a household name to the town.

In December last year builders merchants Screwfix Direct Ltd lodged plans with Powys County Council to convert unit 21 on the industrial estate from business use to storage and distribution uses.

The scheme includes making some changes to the outside of the building.

Planning agent Charlotte Mills of Hybrid Planning and Development said: “By virtue of the proposed change of use, Screwfix will employ 12 members of staff on the premises, four of which will be full time.

“Screwfix would make a positive contribution to the commercial and community life of the area providing essential trade counter services to local businesses including plumbers, electricians, builders and facilities departments to large organisations.”

Llandrindod Wells Town Council has discussed the application and said it has no objections.

Principal planning officer Gemma Bufton said: “The Local Development Plan (LDP) economic policies supports traditional employment uses within allocated employment sites.

“Given the proposal is for a B8 use class the proposal is considered to be acceptable within this location.

“Minor alterations are proposed to the external elevations of the building which include covering over of some existing windows and the partial block up of the existing industrial door and replacement with a new entrance door.

“The works are considered to be minor and do not materially alter the existing character or appearance of the existing building.

“The proposed development fundamentally complies with relevant planning policy and the recommendation is one of conditional consent.”

Of the planning permission conditions the firm will have to stick to is that they need to provide an electric vehicle charging point in the car park.

The firm will also need to submit a plan that indicates when and how often the builder’s merchants will receive deliveries, what type of vehicle will be used as well as indicating the “operational” are and entry and exit for lorries.

Screwfix is part of Kingfisher plc and has 772 stores nationwide.