James Evans wants more young people to have the opportunity of working abroad to learn new skills.

The Brecon and Radnorshire MS asked the Welsh Government in the Senedd last week what it is doing to grow the skills of young people.

He said the UK Government has signed a trade deal with New Zealand, part of which extends the “working holiday visa” for people aged up to 35.

Mr Evans wants young people to have the opportunity of working abroad to learn new skills, and to then bring new experiences home to improve their job opportunities here.

He asked Economy Minister Vaughan Gething: “What is the Welsh Government doing to promote the opportunities that that trade deal has given to young people to work abroad so they can grow the skills base in Wales?”

Mr Gething said there is potential for people to work and learn in other countries.

He said: “We would like to see people return and enhance the economy in Wales."

Speaking after last week's Senedd session, Mr Evans said: "“The scheme agreed between the UK & NZ Governments will provide young people in Brecon and Radnorshire the opportunity to work abroad for longer. When I recently visited New Zealand, they are crying out for young people to go over and work in the construction industry, agriculture, healthcare and engineering.

“Working abroad is a great way to expand skills and experiences, to see different ways of working and bring best practice back home to Wales.  The strong connections between Wales and New Zealand is deep routed and for those who are able, I would encourage as many young people as possible to take up this fantastic opportunity.”