On Sunday, 7 May Three Cocks Matters Community group hired out the canteen of the Gwernyfed High school to put on a big lunch celebration for the village community.

Three Cocks Matters Community Group.
(Three Cocks Matters Community Group.)

The sun was shining and the spirits were high with over 50 plus adults and around 12 children attending ranging from 19 months to 80 years old. 

The village celebrated with a picnic style big lunch followed by a community bingo with prizes.

Three Cocks Matters Community Group.
(Three Cocks Matters Community Group.)

Chair of Three Cocks Matters Community Group, Nick Pritchard said: "This was another successful event for our deprived community enabling all generations to come together to celebrate such a historic occasion."

Three Cocks Matters Community Group.
(Three Cocks Matters Community Group.)

Three Cocks Matters Community Group.
(Three Cocks Matters Community Group.)