An eight-year-old girl from New Radnor has raised over £100 for the Little Princess Trust cancer charity by cutting her hair.

The charity, based in Hereford, provides real hair wigs, free of charge, to children and young people who have lost their hair through cancer.

Millie first donated two years ago and after seeing an advert she wanted to do it again. Her mother, Charlotte, said: “When she sets her mind to something there’s no changing it. She donated her hair two years ago. She raised such a lot for such an amazing charity and has grown it back to do it again. She is a keen fundraiser and has done previous fundraising events such as a cake sale for Shelter Wales. She is keen to do it so that she can help children who have been poorly and lost their hair.”

As part of their work, The Little Princess Trust funds childhood cancer research in a bid to find kinder and more effective ways of treatment for young people with cancer.

Millie cut her hair with friends and family in Kington.

Wendy Tarplee-Morris, Founder of The Little Princess Trust, said: “We are so grateful to Millie for her incredible support of our charity. Her hair and her fundraising will be a huge help and allow us to continue providing wigs to children who have lost their own hair due to cancer treatment.

“We know from speaking to the young people we support just what a boost the wigs can be to their confidence and identity, but we can only do this thanks to some real ‘superhairoes’ like Millie!”