On Sunday, 25 June Central Beacons Mountain Rescue Team were called out by Dyfed-Powys Police to Lower Clun Gwyn waterfall.

A young man had slipped off a rock and experienced concerning head and neck injuries.

Friends of the young man had done an excellent job in getting the casualty out of the river, and he was in a stable condition when the rescue team arrived.

Despite this, the medic team were worried about any potential internal head and neck injuries the man could have suffered, and so they called upon assistance from the Maritime and Coastguard Agency #R187-StAthan, who helped winch the casualty on a stretcher and vacuum mattress up to an aircraft.

He was then taken to hospital in the aircraft.

Central Beacons MRT were also called out to the waterfalls area on Saturday evening as well after reports from Heddlu Dyfed Powys Police said there was a young female suffering seizures while walking the 4 Waterfalls Trail near Ystradfellte.

The 13 mountain rescue team members split up into groups, with some carrying out the initial search and others were deployed to the car parks.

At Gwaun Hepste car park a team member located the group who’d been walking with the young female.

Following the initial seizure she was able to continue with help and they’d been able to get her back to the car park.

Having confirmed they were ok to transport the lady to hospital for a check over, the team stood down and returned to their homes.

The team's busy weekend started on Friday evening when they were called out to Bike Park Wales.

A rider had injured his hip / pelvis and was unable to move and in a lot of pain.

The casualty received medical treatment from the Bike Park's first responders, Medserve Wales and a Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust Paramedic.

They were then evacuated by Central Beacons Mountain Rescue Team in a vacuum mattress on a stretcher.

A spokesperson from Central Beacons Mountain Rescue Team spoke about this weekend's callouts. They said: "We send our best wishes to all casualties for a speedy recovery and our fingers are crossed that their conditions/injuries are not serious."