The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, in partnership with Dyfed-Powys Police has launched a public survey asking the public to have their say on the options available to victims of low-level crime and anti-social behaviour.

A Community Remedy is victims-focused, aiming to give victims a greater say in how offenders should be dealt with, and increase the public’s confidence in out-of-court disposals.

Taking a restorative justice pathway, the Community Resolution offers a list of appropriate sanctions that can be used by the police and authorised investigating officers, sometimes in conjunction with other more formal out-of-court disposals.

Such sanctions include repair damage caused, mediation – to support the resolution of disputes, substance misuse and alcohol dependency support programmes, verbal or written apology, educational, diversionary and/or anger management course, as well as other actions.

The suitability of the options will depend on the nature of the offence, the age of the offender and the circumstances of the situation.

Community Remedy is most often used with first time, low-level offenders.

Police and Crime Commissioner Dafydd Llywelyn said: “As your Police and Crime Commissioner, I am committed to ensuring age-appropriate, sustainable and meaningful restorative services here in Dyfed-Powys, being mindful of the needs of those involved.

“This includes restorative practices in education; family and community settings used for preventative measures and ongoing support; and out of court disposals to divert young adults from the criminal justice system.

“Supporting victims of crime to recover and move on is a key part of a Police and Crime Commissioner’s role, and making restorative justice, such as the community remedy, available is one of the best ways to do it.

“I urge the public to have their say on the options available here in Dyfed-Powys by completing this short survey.”

The survey is open until May 19, and can be accessed via the following web address here.