Fay Jones is protesting over plans that could see local leisure centres and swimming pools close for over three months.

The Brecon and Radnorshire MP says she is disappointed that Powys County Council is planning to close centres and pools for much longer than their usual Christmas closure period.

She said these public services are essential to the local community, and their extended closure would do nothing to help residents.

The action is being proposed by Powys County Council and leisure operator Freedom Leisure in response to the cost of living crisis and rising energy costs.

Some leisure centres across the county could be temporarily closed until the end of the financial year to counter these costs.

The proposals will be considered by the Cabinet today (Tuesday).

Ms Jones said online: “The ongoing energy crisis has challenged us all, and understandably energy-intensive measures must be reviewed.

“However, I urge the council to review their decision to close leisure services until the end of the financial year.

“People heavily rely on gyms and swimming pools for their wellbeing and as social spaces. The council must do all it can to protect them.”