As part of its work to engage and involve younger people in the local area, Brecon Town Council is seeking to appoint a second Community Youth Representative.

The representative will play an important part in the town’s life and future by contributing towards the decision-making process and taking a role in a number of new projects

The Community Youth Representatives are the voice of young people in the area, working alongside the existing successful School Councils running in local schools to give everyone a chance to have their say, feeding back ideas, learning how the Town Council works, participating in meetings, and helping to get young people more involved in the local community.

The aim is to encourage young people to gain experience about how the democratic process works and understand how they can get involved, gain increased confidence, obtain additional understanding of both local and national matters, and make contact with a wide range of people and organisations.

It is important to show that local people of all ages have the opportunity to influence decisions which affect their day-to-day lives.

The new initiative is intended to support young people and gain their participation in community life and aims to encourage young people to contribute to decisions on matters which affect them, and by listening to these views and promoting active engagement, help to improve the quality of services for children and young people in the area.

Brecon Town Council is the tier of local government closest to the people, and represents the local community, delivering local services to meet local needs and striving to improve the quality of life in the local area.

Engaging young people is a key consideration for Brecon Town Council to ensure the needs of young people are more fully represented.

Community Youth Representatives are not able to vote at Town Council meetings but provide an advisory role which will bring about greater benefits to Brecon Town Council’s decision making processes.

Applicants should be students of secondary school age (11-17 years), and suitable to represent the interest of young people who live, work, or receive education in the local area.

Cllr John Powell, elected representative for St. John’s (East) on Brecon Town Council, and currently Deputy Mayor, who originally proposed the initiative, is keen to promote the opportunity to young people in the area: “It is vital that views of young people are heard when decisions are being made. “The council is eager to work with young people and I am delighted to have been involved in the initial establishment of the scheme.

“Brecon Town Council is very much looking forward to working with our Community Youth Representatives in developing and growing youth engagement in Brecon.”

Views of primary achool age children can also be filtered through to the Town Council via the Community Youth Representatives.

Anyone wishing to apply, or wanting to find out more information on how to get involved is encouraged to contact the Town Clerk on 01874 622884 or by e-mail via [email protected].

The closing date is July 10 2023. For young people under the age of 18, parental/guardian consent will be required.