This year the Elan Links scheme has organised exciting new training opportunities for volunteers to learn about the archaeology and heritage of the Elan valley.

In partnership with Clwyd Powys Archaeological Trust, volunteers are invited to a series of six free workshops to learn about the means and methods of excavation, recording and interpretation of archaeological sites.

Scheme manager, Esther Wakeling said: “We recognised that there was a chance to provide training and opportunities in the Elan Valley for people to learn about the rich heritage and numerous archaeological sites we have recently discovered across the estate. By offering workshops, led by the senior archaeologist and the heritage manager from CPAT, we are hoping that people will be equipped with the knowledge to take part in our upcoming community excavations later in 2023.”

The six workshops run from 10pm to 4pm in June (7, 8, 14, 15, 19, 20) and include free learning resources, refreshments and lunch. They are to be held at the Welsh Water Visitors centre and as with previous workshops of the National Lottery Heritage Funded scheme, the events are free.

For more information, visit and to book your place please email [email protected]

Gary Ball, Project Officer for Elan Links said: “It’s a beautiful location for a fantastic opportunity to learn about archaeology and the Elan Valley. Part of the Elan Links scheme is conserving and promoting the heritage, and discovering more of the history of the Elan Valley. By holding this training we are allowing the public the chance to learn about archaeology and engage with the hidden heritage of the area and hopefully contribute to future discoveries.”

For further updates and information on forthcoming events, volunteering opportunities and exhibitions, sign up to the Elan Valley newsletter, or follow Elan Links on social media.