Above the cheers of the crowd and the excited cries of schoolchildren the bells could be heard ringing to welcome King Charles and Queen Camilla to Brecon Cathedral.

The Cathedral this year celebrates its centenary as the mother church of the Diocese of Swansea and Brecon.

The band of 10 local ringers included David Katz, Master of the Swansea and Brecon Diocesan Guild of Bellringers, which also celebrates its centenary in 2023.

Among those presented to the King and Queen were Brecon tower captain, Paul Johnson, and secretary, Kath Johnson. The other ringers, viewing the scene from an inside window of the tower, received a special wave from the King when he looked up and noticed them.

After ringing as the royal party left to visit other venues in the town, the bells fell silent and the ringers descended the tower, feeling pleased to have played a part in a memorable day.