Erwood Young Farmers Club has recently been crowned Wales YFC Entertainment Champion.

The Club was triumphant at the Wales YFC Entertainment Finals in Bangor on March 4.

After successfully winning the county round, Erwood took their entertainment entitled ‘Read all about it’ to represent Brecknock against other clubs from throughout Wales.

Telling the stories and experiences faced by many over the past few years, ‘Read all about it’ invites the audience into a community facing challenges, from COVID-19, to the Ukraine war and the cost of living crisis.

Erwood YFC
Judges loved Erwood YFC's production of 'Read all about it’ (Photo supplied)

With comedic policemen, a toilet roll thief and nosy neighbours, the production takes you on a rollercoaster of emotions, from tears to laughter. Writer and producer, Samuel Powell also picked up the award for best actor.

Erwood YFC
Comedic policemen in ‘Read all about it’ (Photo supplied)

Erwood YFC’s success in Bangor means they now go onto represent Wales at the national finals on April 22 in Leamington Spa. With a cast of 34, an array of helpers and supporters, Erwood will be performing their entertainment at the Stand Hall in Builth Wells, at 4pm on Sunday, April 16 to raise money for their journey to the national finals.

Erwood YFC
Erwood YFC will be performing in Builth's Strand Hall next month to raise money for their journey to the national finals (Photo supplied)

Erwood YFC would like to send out a huge thanky uo to everyone who has helped them on their journey, without whom their success would not be possible.

Erwood would be extremely grateful to any potential sponsors who would like to support them on their journey to the national finals.