Plans lodged with Powys County Council could formalise the use of a Welsh Government building in Llandrindod Wells as a health facility.

NHS Wales Shared Health Services have applied to change the use of the Spa building on Spa Road East which was the base of the Welsh Government’s Agriculture department, from office use to office and a “D1” testing and vaccination centre.

Approving the proposal would safeguard 21 jobs already associated with the services provided there.

The D1 building category is for “non-residential use.”

It means that the building could be used for a wide range of purposes including health centre, clinics, school, day nursery, and even a library or place of worship.

The application is partly retrospective as the part of the ground floor of the building has been used by Powys Teaching Health Board (PTHB) as a COVID-19 testing and vaccination centre since June last year.

Documents lodged with the application say that its use as a mass vaccination centre will continue.

Planning agent Davide Bertaggia of Asbri Planning ltd explained the proposal in a planning statement.

Mr Bertaggia said “The application relates to the use of part of the ground floor of the building for fighting the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The principle is established, and the proposal will result in negligible differences from the existing site operations.

“Also, it should be noted how the proposal will retain a B1 use class and will therefore not compromise any future need for office space.”

Mr Bertaggia explains that there will be no changes needed to the building’s access and that the availability of 65 car parking spaces at the site will remain.

He also notes that the building is within walking distance from the centre of Llandrindod Wells with bus and railway stations nearby.

Mr Bertaggia said: “The proposal has contributed and will continue to contribute towards the health and well-being of the local community, will provide employment and a new use to a partially vacant building within Llandrindod Wells town centre.”

Mr Bertaggia added that formalising the use of the Spa Building would not “prejudice the existing of future use” of other medical facilities in the town such as the War Memorial Hospital, Lakeside Pharmacy or Medical practice.

A decision on the application is expected from Powys planners by June 6.

Many of the Welsh Government workers from the Spa Building are now based over the road at Powys County Council headquarters.