When Painscastle woman, Maureen Lloyd learned that a neighbour had been diagnosed with the rare condition, Muscular System Atrophy (MSA), she was shocked at how little is known about the devastating disease. 

With typical determination, Maureen made a plan to raise awareness of MSA, while raising funds for essential research.

Originally, Maureen set out to walk 100 miles during January to raise a target of £1,000.

She set up a Just Giving page, and asked friends to suggest favourite walks and accompany her as encouragement on her mission.

The 72 year-old farmer's wife said: "I hoped to walk off the excesses of the festive season and get fit for when lambing starts while enjoying the incredible countryside we have on the Welsh Borders."

Despite the wet, bleak weather in January, Maureen completed her mileage century at Rhosgoch Golf Club to a rousing reception. 

She was staggered to find that she has raised well in excess of her target, and decided to continue her walks.

To date she has raised in excess of £2,000 for the MSA Trust.

"I can't believe how kind and encouraging people have been, and I'm certainly much fitter now!" said Maureen.

With so many miles now behind her, it's likely that Maureen won't be resting on her laurels any time soon!