Ann Williams, Chief Executive of the Bracken Trust Cancer Support Centre, visited 10 Downing Street recently for an event to celebrate charity champions.

Ms Williams attended the Local Charity Champions’ Reception event in London on April 24. She was nominated for this award by Fay Jones, MP for Brecon and Radnorshire, for her excellent work at The Trust.

Ms Williams is supported by a fantastic team of staff and volunteers who provide emotional and psychological support to anyone affected by cancer in Powys and the adjoining areas.

Ms Jones said: “It was lovely to invite Ann Williams, Manager of the Bracken Trust to the Reception at No 10 Downing Street hosted by Stuart Andrew, Parliament Under Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport.

“With so many people across Powys relying on the Bracken Trust for support during an extremely difficult time, I am determined to do all I can to ensure this amazing charity goes from strength to strength.”

During his speech, Stuart Andrew said: “As Minister for Civil Society, I see the best that this country has to offer, and the selflessness and hard work of charity champions is something we can all be proud of.

“Across the country, the support, kindness, and effort of charity champions cannot be underestimated.

“During difficult times, local charities have been a lifeline for many across the country. Sacrificing their time and energy for the greater good, often without recognition, charity champions are the beating hearts of our communities. Their tireless work cannot go unnoticed.”

The Bracken Trust is cancer support charity based in Llandrindod Wells. The charity is there to supports anyone who is affected by cancer, including patients, families/carers and bereaved relatives.